Tuesday 23 August 2011

Learning and healing through writing

It has been a while since I last blogged.  Procrastination was one reason.  It was always "later" even when the thoughts were fresh.  The mind was not strong enough to overcome the distractions of the day.  As I sit in front of the laptop now, I find myself having so many things to document and as usual, my mind becomes too muddled up.

For those who do not know me, I am writing a book.  A book which I hope will inspire others, to remind them that there will always be obstacles in life.  Only we ourselves can choose to either remain standing in front of it or go around it.  Sometimes, it takes a longer time to go around it but eventually we will get there.

I have completed the first 4 chapters of my book.  It has been rather overwhelming, more emotional than I anticipated.  As the words flowed and the recollection of past life events surfaced, so did the deeply buried emotions.  I found that writing about one's life journey required immense inner strength and courage.  It is not something for the faint hearted. 

At this juncture, it has helped me to link my feelings and behaviour to certain incidents, how it has caused me to be withdrawn in some areas of my life.  It had affected me more than I realised.  I thought by putting the incident out of my mind, I would be fine.  Little did I know that by burying it deep within me, it was slowly eating me up.  There will be more to come as I continue to write. 

Recently, I met a local author.  He told me that writing a book such as mine will bring out a lot of emotions and not everyone is strong enough to go through with it till the end.  He did however, encourage me to continue writing, to take my time, not to rush through it, stop when I feel overwhelmed.  I understand now how he felt when he was writing his books.  At the end of the day, it is not important to have everything published.  It is about putting it down in writing, drawing out the emotions, acknowledging it and letting go.  I have started this journey and I will not stop until I complete the book. 

I started reading a book called The Quest by Mike Handcock.  As I turedn the pages, something inside of me was being stirred.  In it, it states that there are seven stages of human development and everyone who has ever lived, has operated in one of these levels. 

Excerpt from the book:

"The first level is SAFETY where a person is simply worried about their next meal and the roof over their head.  The second is THINKING which is how do I get ahead.  The third is SELF-DEFINITION which is where a person asks who am I and why am I here?  The fourth is GIVING where a person understands they are not on earth for themselves but for others.  The fifth is FLOW and this is the concept of everything that flow, like the seasons.  It is the Universal law of attraction that one is "in the flow".  The sixth is CONSCIOUSNESS where we understand that we are all connected in thought.  Throwing a gum wrapper on a street in Vietnam, could have impact here in New Zealand.  The seventh is SOURCE where it is where we are totally connected to source energy.  "

As I read the above, I thought about my life journey and what I had been through.  I had passed the first and second level.  Right at this moment, you can say that I am in between three and four.  I have always been a giving person but never really understood who I am or why I am here.  Am I believing in what is written in a book not knowing if it is a fiction or a non-fiction?.  It is irrelevant.  All I know is that it makes sense to me.  I wonder what else I will discover about myself through reading the rest of the book. 

I always believe that everything happens for a reason.  What has led me to write this book and what my book will do for others, is a reason in itself why I went through those dark stages of my life.  If I had not walked those paths of the past, I would have nothing to write about, at least nothing that could inspire anyone in the way I want it to.  Life is a never-ending journey.  My adventures do not stop here nor will it be smooth.  Riding a bike over a bumpy road is never easy but when one adds in an attitude of making lemonade when life gives you a lemon, then it becomes an adventure rather than a torture. 

Better check on my spaghetti sauce stewing in the pot.  Tomorrow is another day of fun for me.  I am helping out at the Yellow Ribbon Street Sale, in aid of ex-offenders.  My little way of giving and supporting others.

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